Projects on the Needles

October 2, 2005 by
Filed under: Knitting, Movies, TV & Music 

I picked up my office yesterday and discovered I have five knitting projects currently on needles. Funny how my initial idea of only working on one project at a time went completely out the window.

Misti Neck Gaiter-This is almost done. I’m just reworking the bind off so it matches the cast on edge better.

Misti V-neck Pullover-I’ve done a few rows of the sweater, but I forgot to incorporate the cable pattern in the middle. Oops! I just haven’t gotten excited enough to redo that provisional cast on edge again. It’s not as easy with three strands of yarn.

Dino Sweater-The back is done, and the front is done up to the beginning of the dino chart. I’m all ready for my class next weekend on intarsia. I’ve also begun the sleeves. I’ll be doing them at the same time.

Felted Stranded Bag-I’ve ripped out the bag and reworked the chart more to my liking. I hope I like it more this time around. But at any rate, it needs to be finished by class on Sunday, love it or not.

Brown Striped Bear-I’m working up the body of the bear. There’s a chance I may run out of yarn. I sure hope Webs still has some of this closeout yarn left.

And by the way, where are my Sockapaltwoza socks? Now that the weather has turned and I’m wearing socks again, I sure am getting anxious for their arrival.

Now off I go to New York to see The Pixies with my friend Johanna. Am I ready to rock? Yes I am.


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