Cast On Lace Method

April 9, 2006 by
Filed under: Knitting 

I’m back! The Montessori Auction is over and I’m slowly working my way back to my regular life. The piles in my home are decreasing, my knitting time is increasing, I played a game of Monopoly with Ella, and I even got to see The White Countess.

I’ve gotten the go ahead to begin River as written. And I’m off! I hadn’t cast on yet since I couldn’t figure out what the “lace method” cast on was. I remember reading about a lace cast on in the new Knitting Answer Book. I looked it up again and tried it with some scrap yarn. It’s not difficult at all and leaves decorative loops across the edge of knitting. Here’s a description of the method:
1. Starting with a slip knot on the left needle, wrap the yarn behind the left needle to make a yarn over.
2. Insert the right needle between the knot and yarn over.
3. Wrap the yarn around the right needle and knit a stitch.
4. Slip the new stitch onto the left needle knit-wise.
5. Repeat the four steps.

Now this method does result in an odd number of stitches. So if you need an even number, cast on one more stitch than you need and slip off the slip knot stitch when you reach the end of the first row.

My next hurdle was to figure out what exactly a yfwd is. I suspected it was just a regular yarn over, but I needed to confirm this before going on. Finally I came across a post at let me explaiKnit, properly titled “So, um, what’s this “yfwd” thing?” It’s a British term basically meaning a YO. Ah, the joys of working from a Rowan pattern.

I’ve tried all of my US 10.5 needles in the house and I need something much pointier to get through the K2Tog in this shawl. I’ll stop by the store tomorrow and pick up some Bryspun needles if they seem slippery enough to me. Then I’ll finally be moving along.


4 Comments on Cast On Lace Method

  1. Grin and Frog It » Matching Lace Bind Off on Thu, 13th Apr 2006 6:56 am
  2. [...] — April 13, 2006 @ 6:52 am So here’s an example of the decorative lace cast on that I’m considering using for the River shawl. I like the nice loops, but now I [...]

    [...] istake on the other end with only one row of yarn overs. My Blog Links: Upcoming Projects, Cast On Lace Method, Matching Lace Bind Off, Emerging Pattern, New Summer Project, Tedious Beads, Finishi [...]

  3. Meredith on Sun, 16th Mar 2008 10:56 am
  4. There is a difference between the US way of making a yarn over and the English method. The English method makes a smaller hole and is much nicer for lace knitting. Instead of bringing the yarn to the front of the work and then knitting the stitch, you bring the yarn over the needle from the back, around the needle to its regular place in back, then knit the stitch.

  5. CATHYLU on Sun, 10th Jan 2010 11:01 am

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