Duckett Childs Family Reunion June 1, 2013

[Please note: This entry is "sticky." I will continue to add blog entries, but this one will be on top until I get back from our reunion. You may want to subscribe to a feed so that you can get updates.]

I’ve now sent our reunion postcards* to press, and you should be receiving them shortly. In fact, for most of you, this will be the first time you’ve been to this blog — and you’re here looking for the more details promised in the postcard.

*: Please note. I have the wrong date on the postcard for Duckett Decoration. It is Sunday, June 2 (and not June 1.)

If you are coming to the Reunion, it would be great if you’d let us know so we can look for you (and make sure we have enough food) — call or email the contacts on the postcard or leave a note in the comments below. If you forget to RSVP, come on anyway. We’ll feed you.

Saturday June 1, 2013 -  Reunion Schedule:

  • 3 p.m. Gather at the Cossatot River State Park Visitor Center
  • 4 p.m. Meal (catered). The meal costs $8 for adults, $6 for kids 10 and under. Please bring a dessert to share if you can.
  • 5 p.m. 45 minute program
  • 6 p.m. Walk or drive down to the swimming hole for swimming (optional), weenies and s’mores (mandatory). You can change into your swimsuit at the Visitor Center. Be aware that the Center usually closes before we are ready to leave, so you may have to go back to your lodging damp. There’ll be plenty of mosquito spray available.

Cossatot River State Park Lodge Map:

View Larger Map

Decoration (at Duckett Cemetery) is Sunday, June 2 (always the first Sunday in June). A church service with singing starts at 10. Dinner on the grounds (potluck lunch, in case you aren’t familiar with the term) to follow. Silverware, plates and cups are provided. Bring flowers (as you choose) for decorating the graves – the WalMart in Mena has a fine selection of plastic flowers.

Duckett Cemetery Map:

View Larger Map
Pretty good directions to Duckett Cemetery at the link. Here’s my version:

  • From Mena, head south on Highway 71.
  • At Wickes, you turn left/east onto US Hwy 278 (old Highway 4) at the EZ Mart.
  • Go 5 or 6 miles. (The link’s directions say 8 miles, but that seems too far to me.) The pavement will change noticeably when you leave Polk County and enter Howard County.
  • Soon after that, you’ll see a white-painted wooden sign on the left for Duckett Cemetery. (The directions at the link have a photo of that sign. I do not.) Turn left/north there, onto an unpaved road. (If you get to Cossatot River State Park, you’ve gone too far. Turn around and try again.)
  • Bear left again at the Y (a white-painted, cast iron sign with an arrow for Duckett Cemetery) and head down to the cemetery.

Duckett Cemetery Sign at the Y

Duckett Cemetery Sign at the Y

  • If you’re able, park outside the fence and walk in, leaving the areas under the trees for people with special needs. There will be a spiral bound notebook for you to sign, a large pickle jar for donations, and copies of the cemetery board’s report on a card table as you enter the cemetery.


The nearest motels are in Mena (30+ miles to Duckett). Be aware that Lum ‘n Abner Days overlap with our reunion, and motels tend to fill up. (We once stayed somewhere in Oklahoma when we waited too long to get a room.)

Your options (and we’ve stayed at all of them except the Budget Inn over the last 40 years), and some reported (not confirmed) prices:

  • Budget Inn (479) 394-2400. Rate $48.60+tax per night, double occupancy.
  • Executive Inn (formerly the Harvey House) (479) 394-3710. Rate $50+tax per night, double occupancy.
  • Limetree Inn (800) 536-4366. Rate $79+tax per night, double occupancy.
  • Ozark Inn Motel (479) 394-1100.
  • Sun Country Inn (479) 394-7477. Rate $89–$139+tax per night, double occupancy. (Where we usually stay.)

There are bed and breakfasts nearby as well.

Rental cabins are also available. One of our Duckett cousins owns the Cossatot River Cabins, quite near Duckett and Cossatot River State Park. (Kay Johnson at 479-216-3617 or Sheila Johnson at 479-263-9529.) And there’s always camping at the park for those so inclined.

Queen Wilhelmina Lodge is also not too far away – except the Lodge is closed until late 2013.

Did I leave out something? Mention it in the comments.

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