Top 5 2005 Knitting Projects

January 16, 2006 by
Filed under: Knitting 

Finally, here is the list of my five favorite knitting projects from 2005. (in order of completion)

The Little Purple Purse: I use this purse all of the time and it’s held up really well. And all of those little mistakes, I’ve grown to not notice them, or at least not care about them.

Nothing But a T-Shirt: I’ve been missing wearing this sweater all winter. And with these near 0° temps lately, I won’t be wearing this T any time soon. But come May, it’ll be back in heavy rotation. And I’m really excited to check out the new Valley Yarns Longmeadow. It’s supposed to be very close to Rowan’s Calmer, but at a price of $3.49 a ball, it may have Calmer beat.

I-Cord Gloves: I’ve been wearing these gloves a lot too. Some of the ends are starting to poke out of the right side so I need to tidy them up. But otherwise, they’ve made my hands warm and happy. And I’ve learned to focus on my driving now, not the gloves.

Big Blue House Socks: These are really simple socks, but I can’t wait to have a pair of my own. I’m still feeling satisfied at mastering short rows.

The Dinosaur Sweater: This sweater keeps growing on me. And every time I see it on Liam, I smile.

It’s been a great first year of knitting. I can’t wait to see what I create this year. Knitting makes me happy.


One Comment on Top 5 2005 Knitting Projects

  1. Erica on Sat, 28th Jan 2006 4:21 am
  2. Great kid photos. I like your purse too. I have felted purse envy all over the place. There are so many patterns and colors and color combinations. How would I choose? I really need to try felting, though. It seems so fun.

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