Can’t Sleep

September 13, 2005 by
Filed under: Kids, Knitting 

Is it the sweaty, footed-pajama boy next to me or the Misti Alpaca keeping me up?

I was up late out seeing Mike Doughty last night, so I know I’m tired. But Liam’s in the big bed, rolling around keeping me awake. And I can’t stop thinking about the super soft Misti Alpaca Chunky yarn and how it would feel against my skin. I was at Webs yesterday with the kids and brought Ella over to this wonderful yarn. “Feel it! It feels like a cloud.” She touched it with one hand and then dove head first into it. She understood too.

When I was at Webs I had the Vogue Knitting Fall 2005 Pattern #11 on my mind (thanks a lot Nona). I’ve been resisting buying any knitting magazines but I ended up walking out of the store with it. I guess I shouldn’t have been reading it when I fell asleep last night. Now I’m up thinking, could I substitute the Rowan Kid Silk Haze with the Cascade Indulgence I still have and swap the Rowan Big Wool with the Misty Alpaca? I know it would be super soft. But could I get the right gauge with this combination? Well there isn’t any Misty in my house right now, so I can’t start a swatch.

So I have two options:
1. I could go back to bed right now and get the rest I know I need.
2. It’s already 4:15 am. I might as well stay up and work on the Sockapaltwoza socks bind off.

Decisions, decisions.


One Comment on Can’t Sleep

  1. mamacate on Tue, 13th Sep 2005 11:47 am
  2. I love when the kids get the fiber stuff. Does Ella knit? My kids are dying to learn but don’t have the fine motor skills yet.

    I keep hearing about Mike Doughty’s show. I went to college with him. It’s weird. I’m glad he’s doing so well with this. He has wanted to be a professional musician since those days. I’m happy for him.

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