Austin Marathon Training – Week 1
This week went pretty well running-wise. As I’m increasing my mileage, everything is still feeling good. 32.85 miles this week. And I’ve started doing some strength training again. I’d like to fit in two sessions this week and finally get my bike up on the trainer so I can add in some nice recovery rides. I’m getting used to this new plan and still not quite sure what a general aerobic pace is for me which is listed in the book as a % of your max heart rate which I don’t know. I tried to figure out my max heart rate by doing a really fast mile on the treadmill and got it up to 181. I’ll try again this week at the track to see what I can get there. I managed to get my 9-mile run done mid-week. But as these mid-week runs get longer, I’ve got to get up earlier to fit it in. The highlight of my running week was doing 8 miles of my long run on Sunday with Bill. This is the longest we’ve run together without kids. It was really nice catching up.
I kind of feel like these two first weeks of the plan are just practice weeks gearing up for the 3rd week where it switches to 5 runs a week with a total of 40 miles. My last marathon plan peaked at 40 miles, so everything beyond that will be new mileage territory for me.
A few pictures from my week of running. It’s getting colder, darker, and the leaves are dropping fast.