Podcast & Knitting

July 31, 2005 by
Filed under: Knitting, Movies, TV & Music 

Over our vacation, my husband introduced me to Podcasts and I love them.

I haven’t been able to knit and watch t.v. at the same time very successfully. Either I mess up the knitting or I miss something on the screen. But now I can knit and listen to different Podcast shows at the same time, not sacrificing either. Tonight I’ve been swatching in the round for my Sockapaltwoza socks using the Magic Loop method. It’s not been going well. The Magic Loop is actually going well and is really cool. But the two points in the round where I switch needles, the stitches are really loose. This does not look so good. And I’m using size US 0 needles so it’s all so tedious to me. Time is marching on, and I’m starting to think maybe I should make these socks with some thicker yarn. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

But listening to KnitCast and learning about the Sex & the Knitty issue and licorice thongs…it’s hard not to smile about that. Tomorrow I’m putting down the socks and making it a NBaT day. The guests were dropped off at the airport last night, and now I’m going to focus on the T. That is if Ella feels better tomorrow. I put her to bed tonight with a 103° temperature. Poor girl.


One Comment on Podcast & Knitting

  1. Amy on Sat, 6th Aug 2005 4:59 pm
  2. Hi there, back from vacation and did so much knitting! My question is, where are you finding knitting podcasts? I looked in my Pod directory (which is sort of generic) and only found one, KnitCast.

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