New Job

February 6, 2007 by
Filed under: Knitting 

I had mentioned that I have a new full-time job in my previous post. I am now the new Sales and Inventory Analyst at WEBS. There was an opening, and the job was just too good a fit for me to resist. It’s been 8 1/2 years since I worked full-time, and that was before I had kids. I had really gotten used to my flexible free time. This is going to take some getting used to, though everyone is being so supportive.

I will really miss working with customers. But I do start teaching my first knitting class tomorrow, so maybe that can be a bit of a substitute.

Everyone at work has been making the transition as easy as possible. It’s been a ton of information to take in quickly, with a ton of new spring stuff coming in daily. Steve, the owner, has been particularly patient with me. This is great since sometimes it takes me a few times before I pick up something new.

It’s been pretty stressful. I’m terribly afraid of making mistakes and I usually think I’m not working fast enough. But hopefully as I get used to the job, some of those feelings will diminish.

I have to completely reexamine my expectations of how much knitting I can do. No longer can I knit 2+ hours every day. And there no longer will be those mid-week, mid-day movie outings. Those will be missed. But I’ve got full weekends again. That’s kind of nice.

So, I also expect my blogging time to drop way down. It already has. But I’ll continue to at least keep up with my finished projects and other important knitting details.


2 Comments on New Job

  1. tiffany jewell on Tue, 6th Feb 2007 9:53 pm
  2. hooray! congratulations!

  3. kelli ann on Wed, 14th Feb 2007 11:07 am
  4. congratulations, dena! i think it’s wonderful that you’ve got this opportunity. and that everyone around you seems to be so supportive. woo-hoo!! webs really does sound like an amazing place to work– i keep saying it, but i’d love to make the trip down to knit a bit with you… all the best!!

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