Soleil Roadblock

May 21, 2005 by
Filed under: Knitting 

I think it may be time to frog a bit of my Soleil.

I’ve been moving along on my Soleil quite well. Then it was time to finally divide for the neckline. Now I was no longer knitting in the round, but back and forth on the circulars. A few rows later I discovered that the rows I purled were really loose compared to my knit rows. There’s a terrible bump that runs across my whole first purl row. I did a few more rows to see if I could tighten up my purling. They’re better. But now I have to decide if I’m going to rip back to the beginning of the neckline.

There was no knitting drop-in at Webs yesterday so I’m putting away Soleil until next week. Now I’m working on a swatch for my next project, Nothing But a T-Shirt found at I’ll be using Jo Sharp Desert Garden (another Webs closeout yarn) in Cinnamon for the main color and Solstice for the accent color. The pattern actually calls for Rowan Calmer which Webs doesn’t carry. I went over to Northampton Wools yesterday to check out the Calmer, and it is sooo nice, but a good chunk more money too. Maybe if this T turns out well and I like the pattern, I get some of the Calmer and make another sweater.


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