Soleil-Along Has the Answers

May 15, 2005 by
Filed under: Knitting 

I’ve found answers to my troubling questions from the Soleil-Along. Now I can sleep at night.

I’m approaching the divide for the neckline on my Soleil. So I read ahead in the pattern to see if I understand what’s coming up. I’ve just spent an hour in the car reading the pattern over and over trying to make sense of it. I just could not figure out how to get the numbers to work for dividing the neckline. As soon as I got home I checked out the Soleil-Along for answers. Thank goodness I found them. I was reading the pattern wrong, making incorrect assumptions. One of the responses to a person’s entry mentioned imagining working the divide for the neckline like a “C.” That was my ah-ha moment.

Now I have the crazy idea of trying to finish the top by next weekend instead of June 15th. Next week is very busy and my husband is out of town a few days too. But I can put in some late nights maybe. I think I can do it if I don’t run into any hurdles.


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