Tempting Candy

June 20, 2006 by
Filed under: Knitting 

I have a few projects on the needles now that I haven’t mentioned. The first one is Tempting II which I’ll be making along with a bunch of other sexy knitters.

The knitalong starts July 1st, so I haven’t started the sweater yet. But I have swatched for it using Artful Yarns Candy. I’m using the Fireball color that you see in the ball, not the swatch color.

This is not a yarn that would normally catch my eye. But I had knit a swatch for the store and really liked how easy it was to knit, the elasticity, and the feel of the knitted fabric. So when the yarn was on clearance, I bought 7 balls of the Fireball. The Sour Apple color was already gone.

I’m a little concerned if this pattern will actually work for my body. Jenna and I don’t exactly have the same shape. I’ve already tried one of her patterns and gave up when I didn’t like the photos of finished sweaters from more shapely women that I was seeing. Can I add a little waist shaping to a 1×1 rib pattern? Or will the finished fabric be so stretchy that I won’t need to worry about the fit? Also the neckline looks like it’s nearly falling off her shoulders. I’ll need to be particularly careful when picking up stitches for the neckline and to use small enough needles so my row gauge will work.

I think I will also make the sleeves longer for Tempting II, like you see in Blaze.


One Comment on Tempting Candy

  1. melissa on Wed, 21st Jun 2006 6:44 am
  2. generally…you would not need to add any shaping as the rib will do the work. But that child appears to weigh about 4 pounds. With a perfectly proportioned personage (youth is so wasted on the young).

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