Finishing Up Projects

June 1, 2006 by
Filed under: Knitting 

It’s been a couple of busy knitting and blocking days. First there are my swatches for my Stitches classes. Today is my evaluation and they’re all labeled ready to go.

Next I cruised through River, jumping from 140 rows to the final 230 rows in a few days.

I picked up a set of blocking wires to help out with blocking River. Theses are great. Weaving the wires along the edges was easy. But the best part is that if I wanted to adjust the length or width, I only had to move a couple of pins holding down the wires rather than a whole side of pins. I’m blocking River to just past the pattern measurements, but I still wonder if it would be too small. I’ll try it on once it’s blocked to see if it’ll be enough. If not, I can always block it to be a little bigger. There’s still a lot of stretch left in the fabric.

But there is one problem I discovered while blocking. Take a look at the two ends and see if you notice the problem. It’s not subtle.

Hmm, I don’t know what to do about that. I missed one whole row of yarn overs. Once it’s blocked I’ll see how it looks while wearing it to see how noticeable it is. Then I’ll decide if I need to redo that end. I already had to take out the bind off once, and it wasn’t that much fun.

Then all there is left to finish is sewing up the beaded donut. That’ll be a quick job.

And then, I can start any knitting project I want to. So many possibilities, so much yarn.


One Comment on Finishing Up Projects

    [...] Lace Method, Matching Lace Bind Off, Emerging Pattern, New Summer Project, Tedious Beads, Finishing Up Projects, River Mistakes and Do-Overs Wendy seemed to love her shawl. And it was a chilly [...]

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