Hidden Yarn Storage

May 4, 2006 by
Filed under: Knitting, Organize It 

Some of you may know that I’m committed to not having my yarn stash creep into other parts of the house. I’m trying hard to contain it all in my sewing cabinet or in the bins above it. If I want more yarn I need to knit up some of the stuff I already have. But I know some of you may be looking for more hidden places in your house to store your stash so you don’t have to resort to the oven. Today I discovered a perfect hidden storage space for more yarn, stored luggage. Check out your large suitcases to see if you could keep some of your yarn there.


One Comment on Hidden Yarn Storage

  1. Cirilia on Fri, 5th May 2006 3:23 pm
  2. You’ve probably overheard me say this before but mine is now in my kitchen cabinets. I happen to have very retro glass front cabinets so it’s kind of on display at all times.

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