Emerging Pattern

April 17, 2006 by
Filed under: Knitting 

I decided that I just needed to get going on the River shawl and cast on with the best needles I had. I did go with the Denise needles and they’re working fine. They’re almost pointy enough to deal with all of the K2tog. And the joins aren’t causing any problems. I start a row with all of the stitches bunched up on the needle like this.

And then as a knit the stitches, they just slide right over the join on the other needle.

I ended up doing a knitted cast on with size US 13 needles. It appears that the edge with be stretchy enough. Nice and simple.

I’m hoping not to make any mistakes as I knit along. This yarn does not like to let go of itself so ripping back is out of the question. And tinking would be really time consuming. But I’m 30 rows into the shawl and no mistakes yet. And now I can see the pattern emerging.

I didn’t do a swatch first, but the shawl appears that it’s knitting just an inch wider on the US 10.5 needles. I shouldn’t have any problem blocking this to the correct size. So going down a mm in needle size was a fine plan. If I continue knitting my five rows a day, I shouldn’t have any problem finishing this by June. But this isn’t my favorite yarn to knit with. It’s kind of stressful knitting. But the resulting fabric is so weightless and lovely, it’s sure to be a nice finished shawl.


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    [...] yarn overs. My Blog Links: Upcoming Projects, Cast On Lace Method, Matching Lace Bind Off, Emerging Pattern, New Summer Project, Tedious Beads, Finishing Up Projects, River Mistakes and Do-Overs [...]

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