About the Duckett-Childs Family Blog

Our mission: To create a virtual family group to share, collect and grow Duckett-Childs family history and present-day relationships, focusing on:

  • Lewellen Moore Childs (1851-1915),
  •  his wife, Martha Tennessee Fite (1859-1931),
  • Allen Turner Duckett (1846-1907),
  • his first wife, Sarah Elizabeth Bell (1852-1893),
  • his second wife, Sarah Drusilla “Sally” Brock (1866-1933), and
  • their ancestors (collateral and lineal), siblings, and descendants.

For ready reference:

Lewellen Moore Childs and Martha Tennessee Fite’s ancestry (5 generations), starting with their son Vandiver Lafayette “Buster” Childs: Vandiver Lafayette “Buster” Childs Ancestry 5 Generations

Allen Turner Duckett and Sarah Elizabeth Bell’s ancestry (5 generations), starting with their daughter, Mellie Mae Duckett (wife of Vandiver Lafayette “Buster” Childs): Mellie Mae Duckett Ancestry 5 Generations

One Response to About the Duckett-Childs Family Blog

  1. Clydene Cannon says:

    I was approached by a Duckett who was adopted to help her find her Duckett Parent/s. I know that genealogy is the study and documentation of our ancestors but thought I’d enlist your help. Adoptees certainly have the right to know but it is so difficult to find biological parents because the particulars are often deliberately left off their court records. So, maybe someone will recognize something in her known facts.

    She was born Vicky Lee Duckett on December 29, 1956 in Phoenix, AZ. She’s white. A little note in her file was hand written and it referred to her as “Pamela Kaye” but all the legal records say her name at birth was Vicky Lee Duckett. Her mother was unmarried and did not know the whereabouts of the father (court record). I strongly suspect she is a descendant of the Arkansas or Oklahoma Duckett Family.

    Her name, today, is Sarah and she is a lovely lady that anyone would be proud to accept into their family. Any help will certainly be appreciated. wmscan@att.net

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