Henry I "Beauclerc" of England K. of England, P. of Scots, 8th Duke Of Normandy | Maud Matilda (originally Edith) Dunkeld of Scotland Queen of England, Princess of Scotland |
b. Sep 1068/1069, Selby, North Yorkshire, England d. 1/11 Dec 1135, See Notes bur. 4 Jan 1135/1136, Reading Abbey, Reading, Berkshire, England occ. cen. im. . ud. |
b. 1079/1080, Dunfermline, Fifeshire, Scotland d. 1 May 1118, Westminster, London, Middlesex, England bur. occ. cen. im. . ud. |
Spouses: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |