Person Sheet

Name Eve (Aoife) Mac Murrough of Leinster, Countess of Ireland94,18,86
Birth abt 1141, Ireland
Death aft 1186, Waterfod, Ireland193
Birth abt 1154887
Birth Of Lancaster, England88,193
Birth Leinster, Ireland89
Death 117788,89,86
Father Dermont Na-NGall mac Murrough of Leinster King of Leinster, of Ireland (1110-1170)
Mother Mor/More [--?--] (1134-1191)
1 Richard "Strongbow" fitz Gilbert of England 2nd E. of Pembroke (or Striguil)86,123,1892
Birth abt 1135, Tunbridge, Kent, England887
Birth Tunbridge, Kent, England1008,88,89
Death abt 20 Apr 1176, Dublin, Leinster, England86,1008,87,88,89,91,887,193
Burial Holy Trinity (Christ Church Cathedrall), Dublin, Leinster, England88,193
Father Gilbert de Clare 1st Earl of Pembroke (~1114-1146)
Mother Isabel Elizabeth de Beaumont Queen Of England (1100-~1147)
Marriage abt 26 Aug 1171, Waterford, Ireland1008
Children Isabel fitz Gilbert (~1172-1220)
Gilbert (1173-)
Last Modified 6 Mar 2005 Created 2 Dec 2007 by Reunion for Macintosh

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