Person Sheet

Name Rhys I ap Tewdr of S. Wales Prince of South Wales91,86
Birth abt 1035, Deheubarth, Wales1814
Birth Carmarthenshire, Wales193
Death Apr 1093, Brecon, Breconshire, Wales88,86
Father Tewdr Mawr ap Cadell of S. Wales (~0977-)
Mother Gwenlian of Anglesea
1 Gwladys verch Rhiwallon of Powys88,1933,86,1814
Birth abt 1041, Of Powys, Wales101
Birth Powys, Wales1090,1814
Father Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn of Powys (~1025-1070)
Children Hywel (~1055->1115)
Nesta verch Rhys (~1073-~1163)
Gwenllian (~1075-)
Gwladus (~1076-)
Efa (~1077-)
Ardden (~1079-)
Gruffydd ap Rhys ap Tawdwr Nawr (~1081-1137)
Llywelyn "Ddiriad" (~1084-)
Gronwy (~1088-)
Last Modified 30 Jul 2004 Created 2 Dec 2007 by Reunion for Macintosh

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