Person Sheet

Name Leonor of Castile123
Father Alfonso VIII "The Good" of Castile K. of Castile, Toledo, and Extremadura, etc. (1155-1214)
Mother Leonor (or Eleanor) of England P. of England, Q. of Castile (1162-1214)
1 Jaime I "The Conqueror" of Aragón K. of Aragón, Majorca, etc.86,123
Birth 2 Feb 1207/1208, Montpellier, Toulouse, France89,91,90,86
Death 27 Jul 1276, Valencia, Spain89,91,90
Father Peter II (Pedro) "The Catholic" of Aragón King of Aragón (1180-1213)
Mother Mary (Marie) de Montpelier Countess of Montpelier (1182-1213)
Last Modified 16 Sep 2004 Created 2 Dec 2007 by Reunion for Macintosh

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