Person Sheet

Name Herleva de Falaise86,170
Birth abt 1003, Falaise, Calvados, France87,125,88,90,170,193,122
Birth Falaise, Calvados, Normandy, France18,89
Death abt 1050125,18,90,89,193
Father Fulbert "The Tanner" de Falaise Chamberlain (~0978-)
Mother Doda (Duxia) Of Falaise (~0980-)
1 Robert "The Magnificent" "The Devil" of Normandy Duke of Normandy86,87,125,170,91
Birth abt 1003, Normandy, France1065
Birth Normandy, France125,170,90,887
Birth Normandy, France89
Birth Normandy, France18
Death 2 Jul 1035, Nicaea, Bithynia, Turkey (Asia Minor)125,170,90,89,887,1065,86
Death Nice, Bithynia18
Burial Nicaea, Bithynia, Turkey88
Father Richard II "The Good" of Normandy 4th Duke of Normandy (~0962-1026)
Mother Judith of Brittany de Rennes, Princess of Brittany (Brittany) (0974->1017)
Common Law abt 1023125
Children William I (1027-1087)
[--?--] (~1028-)
2 Herlouin de Conteville V. de Conteville, Earl of Conteville87,86,125,91,192,89,86
Birth abt 1010, Conteville, France89
Birth Conteville, France1156,88
Death abt 106687
Death abt 108089
Father John (Jean) de Conteville de Burgh, Earl Of Comlyn, Baron Tonsbur (~0969-)
Mother [--?--] (~0970-)
Marriage abt 1029192,89
Children Emma (1029-~1075)
Odo (Eudo) (-1096)
Robert (1031-1091)
Muriel (~1041-)
Last Modified 5 Mar 2005 Created 2 Dec 2007 by Reunion for Macintosh

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