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A blog about training for my first triathlon

Switchback victory

Saturday’s group bike ride was a toughie. Thirty miles from McMenamin’s Edgefield up a mountain. 2000 feet of vertical climb. Missed a turn a couple miles from the end of the out & back route, so I missed the aid station. But I did get to see beautiful Clackamas County. Multomah County roads are smoother.

Here’s the switchback. Almost made it all the way up before pausing to wait for the oxygen to return to my blood.

Notice how the road starts down near the river, turns a couple times, and is suddenly hundreds of feet higher.

Of necessity, I discovered that I can go up hills slowly. Usually I stick the bike in granny gear & try to keep my cadence up. But I just didn’t have the juice on the last 400-ft hill on the way back, so I went slow & steady. That worked much better. I should find a happy medium…


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