Update on Projects

June 19, 2005 by
Filed under: Knitting 

Time for an update on the beginning, middle, and ends of my knitting projects.

NECK GAITERS: I’ve made five Neck Gaiters now; these four plus Ella’s. I still have a ton of the Vaudeville yarn left. I can make more gaiters if I can think of someone. Or what else can I make with this yarn?

SOLEIL TANK TOP: I’ve gotten lots of feedback as to what to do with the rolling edges on my tank. My next step is to steam block it and see how that goes. I just haven’t gotten around to it.

BRANCHING OUT SCARF: What I thought was a dropped stitch may have actually been a split stitch. I was all ready to rip out the scarf and start over. But then I got an offer from Mamacate to come over and she could help me fix the goofy stitch. What a wonderful offer. Not only did I get to meet her (turns out we live half a mile from each other) and her son, but she saved my scarf. This lace pattern takes a lot of my concentration and I still mess up. But fortunately with this yarn, I can’t really find the mistakes. So the person I’m giving it to probably won’t see them either.

MERINO BELT: I went down to size 3 needles and am doing a simple garter stitch belt. I’m probably a third of the way done with it now. This is tiny yarn, so it’s going slowly.

NOTHIN’ BUT A T-SHIRT: I really don’t like my swatch of the Jo Sharp Desert Garden. To get the correct gauge, the fabric is just too stiff. And this yarn doesn’t have the stretch that I was hoping for. I think I’m going to have to save this yarn for a different project, maybe Sonnet. For now I think the T will be on hold until I can buy some Rowan Calmer at Hand Held.

BLAZE: I still haven’t started Blaze with the wonderful purple Cascade Indulgence that I bought. I’m not sure about the sleeve length, shorter or longer? But I bought some nice cable needles and I’m excited to start.

SOCKAPALTWOZA: There are an amazing 350 people doing the Sockapaltwoza and I’m one of them. I’ve got my sock pal assignment and I’m excited to start. I’ll get the pattern and yarn on the road during out road trip this summer. Looks like my pal is open to many things so I can have fun with these socks. Woo hoo!


3 Comments on Update on Projects

  1. Ella on Wed, 22nd Jun 2005 2:36 am
  2. I look happy.

  3. Testy on Wed, 22nd Jun 2005 4:07 pm
  4. Testy, testy, testy. Test, test, test.

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