Finished Project: Terra Coasters

May 31, 2008 by
Filed under: Weaving 

Project Specs:
Pattern: just a felted plain weave square using my 6″ x 6″ Weavette
Yarn: The Fibre Company Terra in various colors using scrap yarn
Size: 4.5″ x 4.5″
My Ravelry Link

I had some tiny samples of Terra hanging around and I thought I’d play with my new Weavette. Once I finished one, it seemed too big for a coaster, so I threw it in the wash to felt. It came out just right. I made four more right away. I absolutely love how the woven Terra felted. It’s so soft and still has a nice drape. I dream about buying enough Terra to make a blanket of felted squares.


4 Comments on Finished Project: Terra Coasters

  1. Sara on Sat, 31st May 2008 2:54 pm
  2. Do we sell weavettes at the store? I thought Steve didn’t want them ;) I’m totally getting one if we have them – those are gorgeous!

  3. Mel on Sat, 31st May 2008 5:37 pm
  4. Very nice. We missed seeing you at Cummington last weekend, but had a nice time with Bill and Johanna and all the kids.

  5. melissaknits on Sun, 1st Jun 2008 12:59 am
  6. weavette – melissa wants it.

  7. kelli ann on Thu, 5th Jun 2008 6:48 am
  8. so sweet!

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