Same Story Here

January 27, 2008 by
Filed under: Knitting 

Yes, I’m still very busy at work. There’s lots of new spring yarns coming in every day. And we’re starting to get ready for Stitches West. This is the first time I will be going along.

And with the busy holidays, there was essentially no blogging time. Whole months go by now without me noticing. Well and Ravelry has taken about what little blogging time I do have. My stash is all up there now, all 56,000 yards of it. All my projects are up too, but not with all the details. That will happen over time.

I have two projects I’m really focusing on right now. Most important is the sweater for Bill. I’ve got the back done, and the front has a few more inches to go. The DK ribbing on a men’s large sweater is going so slowly. But I’m determined to finish soon.

The other project I’m working on is the Hemlock Ring Blanket. It’s a fun and easy pattern. It’s moving along quickly. I’m trying to keep up with the Ready, Set, Knit! Podcast.

And with working full time this last year, my movie watching dropped tremendously. But I did manage to watch enough to compile my annual Best and Worst lists. I absolutely loved The Lives of Others and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Go see these movies, now.


2 Comments on Same Story Here

  1. melissaknits on Sun, 3rd Feb 2008 8:32 am
  2. you mean “go netflix them, lazy and cheap knitter who will not pay for tickets.”

  3. melissaknits on Sun, 3rd Feb 2008 8:39 am
  4. or one of them anyway. lives of others was already in my queue. diving bell is not available yet.

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