Rock Star/Knitter Surprise

January 2, 2007 by
Filed under: Knitting 

So I was topping off my week of solitude last night by watching a recent episode of Knitty Gritty. It’s easy t.v. to “watch” while knitting. To my surprise, Vickie introduced her guest of the day as Kelley Deal. What!? So that’s what she’s been up to; designing her own felted ROCK STAR bags.

Kelley used a technique called “Swiss darning” for the design on her bags. Really this is just duplicate stitch. But at the end of the episode she mentioned how the Swiss darning created a sort of embossed effect on the bags. Hmm, I like that idea, 3-dimensional texture. I’ve also had not much luck with felting some of my stranded knitting in the past. I can see how duplicate stitch could help with that. She also introduced me to an alternative to endless i-cord knitting for handles. But I can’t tell if her alternative would be more tedious or not.


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