Nice Neck

October 9, 2006 by
Filed under: Knitting 

I’ve just about finished my sleeve for my top-down raglan sweater. Inspired by my Dreaded Disasters class yesterday I decided to tackle my neckband before moving onto the next sleeve.

Following some of the advice of Maggie Radcliffe, I attempted a shaped border. Using needles two sizes smaller, I picked up lots of stitches for the neck, more than I normally would. I then continued knitting in the round.
Row 1: Purl.
Row 2: Knit all of the stitches, decreasing 10% of them evenly.
Row 3: Purl.
Row 4: Knit, decreasing one stitch at each raglan seem.
Row 5: Bind off firmly purlwise.

The neck is quite sturdy and lies nice and flat. But I’m going to redo it, the same way, but only neater. I picked up the stitches too loosely, and half of the back stitches were picked up on a different row so the join looks off. But hopefully the second time will be just right.

…later the same afternoon…
Apparently when you pick up many more stitches on one side of the neck, you’ll end up with a crooked neck. I should have known. Onto my third attempt.


3 Comments on Nice Neck

  1. JessaLu on Tue, 10th Oct 2006 9:44 am
  2. I love that neckline!

  3. kelli ann on Thu, 19th Oct 2006 7:06 pm
  4. dena, i think the neckline is stunning. gorgeous sweater!!

  5. Grin and Frog It » I’m a Square on Fri, 20th Oct 2006 4:08 pm
  6. [...] My knitting journey from the beginning « Nice Neck I’m a Square Filed under: Knitting — October 20, 2006 @ 4: [...]

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